Advanced tools for architecture modeling I
Advanced tools for architecture modeling I
The municipality of Carmagnola is located in the south of the metropolitan city of Turin. It was a fief of the Marquisate of Saluzzo until the conquest of this territory and the seizure of the town by the Savoys (1588). The most important production was hemp and the prosperity of this crop was such that for centuries the town was the most important market in the Italian peninsula. The town centre was fortified with walls and bastions, some traces of which still remain. There are still numerous monuments in the historic centre that remind us of its past, including the Castle, numerous churches and medieval and Renaissance palaces.
Some of the buildings in the historic centre have been used as a theme for the teaching activities of the Advanced tools for modelling architecture module in the Restoration course of the curriculum in Architecture for Sustainable Design at Politecnico di Torino. These mainly concerned the castle, the churches of S. Agostino and S. Filippo, the main squares and, on a smaller scale, the entire historic centre. In particular:
- Topographic survey of buildings
- Photogrammetric survey
- LiDAR survey
- processing of LiDAR data and drawing of elevations, sections and plans of the castle on a scale of 1:50;
- 3D modelling and texturing